
Digestive Symptoms of Cow'S Milk Protein Allergy.

Vomiting is described as forceful expulsion of gastric contents via the mouth.1,2 

It should not be confused with reflux which involves the involuntary retrograde passage of gastric contents into the esophagus, with or without regurgitation.3  


An episode of vomiting will generally resolve by itself 6 to 24 hours after it starts. A baby shouldn't need any particular medical treatment; however, it is important to ensure that they receive plenty of fluid to avoid dehydration.


What Causes
Vomiting in

Food allergies such as Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA) may be responsible for infant vomiting. Up to 50% of babies with CMPA experience vomiting as a symptom at some time.4,5

A sudden onset of vomiting is likely to be caused by a gastrointestinal infection such as gastroenteritis and may be accompanied by diarrhea.6

Other causes might include gastroesophageal reflux, a reaction to a medicine, intestinal obstruction or a metabolic disorder.7

Could It Be a
Symptom of
Cow’s Milk
Protein Allergy?

Up to 34% of children with food allergy will have gastrointestinal symptoms including vomiting.8 In newborn babies and young infants, vomiting is a common symptom of CMPA.9,10 Clinically, it may present both as an immediate (within minutes)11 or as a late reaction (days to a week).

The presence of infection as a cause for vomiting in the infant, needs to be ruled out before proceeding to other diagnosis.

However, when considering the diagnosis of CMPA, it’s important to understand that the majority of these infants have at least two symptoms affecting at least two different organ systems.12-14 

Therefore, consider the individual child as well as the magnitude of their symptoms. This can be achieved using an awareness tool such as the Cow’s Milk Related Symptom Score (CoMiSS™) which will help you determine if CMPA might be indicated.15,16

Overview of Symptoms

Respiratory icon


Up to 30% of affected infants with CMPA have respiratory symptoms15,20

Anaphylaxis icon


Anaphylactic shock is a severe, immediate, allergic reaction, which can affect many organ/systems

Skin icon


Up to 75% of infants with CMPA can have skin-related symptoms21

General Symptoms icon


Inconsolable crying is very common in infants with CMPA associated with sleeping problems and food refusal