

Pre-CoMiSS™ is an expert designed
tool to help you understand your baby’s symptoms related to cow’s milk.

Record your baby’s symptoms using Pre-CoMiSS™.

Pre-CoMiSS™ is a tool designed by experts based on the Cow’s Milk related Symptom Score (CoMiSS™). CoMiSS™ helps healthcare professionals (HCP) decide if a baby is at risk of Cow’s Milk Allergy (CMA). Pre-CoMiSS™ does not make a diagnosis, it helps you track and record your baby’s symptoms, share and discuss with your HCP and helps your HCP complete CoMiSS™ accurately.

  • Document the symptoms once for the average of a week. It should take you about 15 minutes to read and complete the first time you record symptoms (and it will be quicker on subsequent times if you decide to document again for the following weeks)
  • At the end there will be a summary combining all the symptoms you have recorded (one summary for each completion), which you can print out and take with you (or show on your phone screen) when you visit your baby’s HCP
  • When you click on any of the symptom categories, Pre-CoMiSS™ will provide more information about what is considered typical and normal for babies, and whether your HCP might need to consider further assessment for cow’s milk allergy (CMA).

The following symptoms are covered:



How often does your baby cry?



Does your baby have a rash or dry/itchy skin?



Also called regurgitation – how often is your baby spitting-up or vomiting, and by how much?



Does your baby have any ongoing cough or runny nose and/or wheezing?



Also called stools – what is the consistency of your baby’s poo?

Pre-CoMiSS™ must not be used as a diagnostic tool.

It is important not to change your baby’s feeding or routine unless otherwise advised by your HCP.

Estimated Duration: 10 min.